Saturday, November 17, 2007

Forgot all about this blog, but I'm BAACK!

Texas math books wrought with errors

AUSTIN, Texas, Nov. 16 (UPI) -- Reviewers have found 109,263 errors in sample copies of math textbooks to be used next fall in Texas.

One second-grade math book, for example, has 4 plus 7 equaling 10, the San Antonio Express-News reported Friday.

Texas is clearly leading the way. Government-mandated mediocrity. Seriously, the article says that the errors will be ironed out before the books are in the hands of the students. Do the errors also get fixed for states where there is no Central Committee to run a massive study and demand that they are fixed?


Did you know that the sooner you start your kids drinking cola, the better they fit in? Laboratory tests show... Classic poster


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